CFP: SHEAR 2017 in Philadelphia
Call for Papers
July 20 – 23, 2017
The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic will return to its home in Philadelphia from July 20 – 23, 2017.
The Program Committee invites proposals for sessions and papers exploring all aspects of the history and culture of the early American republic, together with its northern and southern borderlands and transnational connections, c. 1776-1861. We particularly seek:
- New scholarship in the history of African Americans, Native Americans, the carceral state, gender, and sexuality
- Work informed by new methodologies and approaches
- Participants from outside traditional boundaries of the field (for example, the Parks Service)
- Submissions focusing on pedagogy, public history, and digital humanities.
We also welcome panels that foster audience participation, feature pre-circulated papers, or assess the state of a given field. Scholars who desire to participate in non-traditional sessions (such as pecha-kucha) should also submit proposals.
The Program Committee gives priority to proposals for complete panels (including a chair and commentator). Individual papers will be considered, but we encourage the use of venues like H-NET, Facebook, and Twitter (#SHEAR2017) to locate participants for a full session. Those interested in acting as a session chair or commentator should submit a one-page curriculum vitae. Please do not agree to serve on more than one proposed panel.
All submissions should be in the format of a single electronic document (Word or .pdf) that begins with the surname and first initial of the contact person, e.g., “SmithJ2017.pdf.” This single document should contain:
- Panel title & short, one paragraph description.
- Proposals for each paper (no more than 100 words each).
- Single-page curriculum vitae for each participant. Panels of three or fewer papers must have two commentators; no panels can have two participants from the same institution or an advisor/grad student combination.
- Indication of any needs for ADA accommodation or requirement. Also indicate any special requests, such as audio-visual equipment. A/V requests will be honored only if technology is integral to presentation. Requests made after proposal submission may not be granted.
- Email addresses for the designated contact person and each participant.
Please note that all program participants will be required to register for the conference. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2016. Please submit your proposals by email either to Doug Egerton, or Leigh Fought, with SHEAR2017 in the subject line.
Douglas Egerton, LeMoyne College, co-chair
Leigh Fought, LeMoyne College, co-chair
Thomas Balcerski, Eastern Connecticut University
Carol Einhorn, University of California, Berkeley
Carol Faulkner, Syracuse University
Richard Follett, University of Sussex
Craig Thompson Friend, North Carolina State University
David Head, Spring Hill College
Brenna Holland, University of the Sciences
Adam Jortner, Auburn University
Sowande’ Mustakeem, Washington University in St. Louis
Elizabeth Pryor, Smith College