SHEAR Distinguished Service Award
SHEAR Distinguished Service Award
The SHEAR Distinguished Service Award recognizes generous and enduring service in behalf of the goals and programs of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic. It recognizes the kind of institutional service and commitment without which voluntary societies such as SHEAR cannot thrive. This award documents such contributions “for the record,” and expresses the appreciation and thanks of the current membership for the work of long-time servants over the life of the organization.
The SHEAR Distinguished Service Award consists of a formal citation of appreciation together with a plaque. The citation will be reproduced in the JER as a permanent record of the recipient’s contributions. A virtual plaque will be designed on the web site to display the names of recipients as they accumulate over time. As a material consideration of our appreciation, the recipient also will receive complementary membership in SHEAR and complementary registration to SHEAR conferences for life.
Criteria for nomination: Include an outstanding record of service to SHEAR, significant contributions to scholarship in the history of the early American republic, and other evidence of commitment to the promotion of education and public discourse.
Selection process: Nominations (via web page forms) shall be presented to the president of SHEAR by February 1. The Executive Committee may select one or more recipients per year if appropriate nominees are brought forward. Recipients should be notified in time to attend the banquet in July.