Past Presidents
SHEAR Past Presidents

2022 Joanne B. Freeman, Yale University
2020 Amy S. Greenberg, Penn State University
2019 Douglas Egerton, Le Moyne College
2018 Annette Gordon-Reed, Harvard University
2017 Craig Thompson Friend, North Carolina State University
2016 Carol Lasser, Oberlin College
2015 Jan E. Lewis, Rutgers University
2014 Ann Fabian, Rutgers University
2013 John Larson, Purdue University
2012 Patricia Cline Cohen, University of California, Santa Barbara
2011 Andrew Cayton, Miami University
2010 Harry L. Watson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2009 Rosemarie Zagarri, George Mason University
2008 Paul A. Gilje, University of Oklahoma
2007 John L. Brooke, Ohio State University
2006 Mary Kelley, University of Michigan
2005 Alan Taylor, University of California, Davis
2004 James Brewer Stewart, Macalester College
2003 Barbara Oberg, Princeton University
2002 Jack Rakove, Stanford University
2001 Richard D. Brown, University of Connecticut
2000 Daniel Walker Howe, Oxford University
1999 Joyce Appleby, UCLA
1998 John Murrin, Princeton University
1997 Richard L. Bushman, Columbia University
1996 Peter Onuf, University of Virginia
1995 Bertram Wyatt-Brown, University of Florida
1994 Mary E. Young, University of Rochester
1993 William J. Rorabough, University of Washington, Seattle
1992 Don R. Higginbotham, University of North Carolina
1991 Lawrence S. Kaplan, Kent State University
1990 Marcus Cunliffe, George Washington University
1989 Jane H. Pease, College of Charleston
1988 Richard P. McCormick, Rutgers University, Newark
1987 Reginald Horsman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
1986 Gordon S. Wood, Brown University
1985 Edward Pessen, Baruch College, CUNY
1984 Betty L. Fladeland, Southern Illinois University
1983 Carl E. Prince, New York University
1982 Daniel H. Calhoun, University of California, Davis
1981 Robert McColley, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1980 James Broussard, Ball State University